A Resource for Healthcare and Social Services Professionals
Stimulant Treatment and Recovery Team Program Model: Clinical Guidelines
The purpose of this document is to adapt the detailed guidelines of the Nurse Care Manager Model of Office Based Addiction Treatment (OBAT) for the care of people with stimulant use disorders (StUD) within the Stimulant Treatment and Recovery Team (START) Clinic at Boston Medical Center. The guideline emphasizes the necessary components and structure needed to implement a clinical program for the care of people with StUD using evidence-based treatments such as contingency management.
Download fileBSAS Guidance - Stimulant Use Disorder Treatment
This Practice Guidance, published by the Bureau of Substance Addiction Services (BSAS), serves to inform addiction treatment providers across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts of existing tools to implement evidence-informed strategies on the management of stimulant use disorder in program settings.
Download fileReframing and Responding to Protective Behaviors Associated With Stimulant Use
This three-minute explainer video, written by Justin Alves, MSN, RN, FNP-BC, ACRN, CARN, CNE, and Alexa Wilder, MPH, describes protective behaviors that are common among people misusing stimulants and offers trauma-informed, person-centered responses.
Boston Medical Center START Program Behavioral Health Group Curriculum
This document is the behavioral health group curriculum for Boston Medical Center's Stimulant Treatment and Recovery Team (START) Program.
Download fileBoston Medical Center START Program Medical Group Curriculum
This document is the medical group curriculum for Boston Medical Center's Stimulant Treatment and Recovery Team (START) Program.
Download file Exercise Plans for Patients
These 12-week exercise plans were developed by Boston Medical Center's Stimulant Treatment and Recovery Team (START) Program for patients with stimulant use. Exercise plans vary by low-, moderate-, or high-intensity to meet different exercise comfort levels.