Reducing Harm in Pregnant Persons with Substance Use

Tuesday, 3/18/25, 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM ET

Virtual event via Zoom

Credits available

This training explores the prevalence of substance use in pregnant persons and related risks of use throughout pregnancy, postpartum, and while breastfeeding. We will also focus on interventions to reduce associated harms and engage pregnant and postpartum persons in care without stigma.

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Past events

Harm Reduction: Laying the Groundwork

Wednesday, 1/15/25, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM ET

Virtual event via Zoom

Credits available

This training reviews the medical ethics and tenets of harm reduction and their importance in expanding the care continuum for people who use drugs. It provides examples for devising policies influenced by harm reduction. Further, it explores the legalities of harm reduction practices in different healthcare settings, including considerations for licensed providers.

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Tobacco and Nicotine Harm Reduction: Delivery System Matters

Thursday, 1/16/25, 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM ET

Virtual event via Zoom

Credits available

This training focuses on harm reduction techniques for nicotine and tobacco use. Participants will learn to identify evidence-based strategies that may reduce nicotine/tobacco consumption. We identify how to individualize treatment via FDA-approved medications. Additionally, we will explore smoking cessation barriers affecting individuals with substance use disorders.

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Injection Drug Use Part 1: Communicable Infections

Tuesday, 1/21/25, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM ET

Virtual event via Zoom

Credits available

Counts towards DEA's 8-hour training requirement

This training reviews strategies for reducing communicable infectious diseases associated with injection drug use. We will explore testing strategies and linkage to care for those patients with diagnosed blood-borne pathogens; review bleaching/sterilization of injection paraphernalia, serosorting or sequential drug use to prevent infection of uninfected partners; and discuss pharmacological interventions for infection prevention, including nPEP and PrEP.

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Injection Drug Use Part 2: Non-communicable Infections

Thursday, 1/30/25, 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM ET

Virtual event via Zoom

Credits available

Counts towards DEA's 8-hour training requirement

This training reviews strategies for reducing non-communicable infectious diseases in patients that inject drugs. Topics include post-injection techniques, equipment needed for safe injection, and strategies to reduce skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs). Additional education will be provided on the basics of wound and abscess care to prevent worsening SSTIs.

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Overamping: Psychostimulant Overdose

Tuesday, 2/4/25, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM ET

Virtual event via Zoom

Credits available

Counts towards DEA's 8-hour training requirement

This training teaches strategies for identifying patients experiencing a stimulant overdose and caring for patients experiencing acute psychosis secondary to psychostimulant ingestion. We will focus on warning signs of psychostimulant overdose and strategies to mitigate the harm associated with the patient’s psychotic state, including de-escalation techniques in clinical and community settings.

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Let's Talk About Sex

Thursday, 2/13/25, 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM ET

Virtual event via Zoom

Credits available

This training explores sexual health-related risks associated with substance use disorder (SUD). We will focus on the impact of survival sex and sex work on the well-being of persons, including strategies to reduce violence and infections in this population. The training will review pharmacological interventions for HIV prevention, including nPEP, PrEP, and the concept of U=U. Participants will be able to define sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing strategies for the SUD provider and treatment considerations for patients on medication for addiction treatment.

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Safer Smoking and Sniffing

Tuesday, 2/18/25, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM ET

Virtual event via Zoom

Credits available

This training reviews strategies for reducing harm from inhaled and intranasal use of illicit substances. It will discuss strategies for reducing communicable infections and preventing skin and soft tissue infections and lung damage. We will also review the risks associated with open flame and adulterated substances.

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Alcohol: Reducing Use to Reduce Harm

Thursday, 2/27/25, 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM ET

Virtual event via Zoom

Credits available

Counts towards DEA's 8-hour training requirement

This training reviews the impact of alcohol in the U.S., assessing risk-prevention strategies and clinical approaches for reducing alcohol use. We will also define risky alcohol use, binge consumption, and evidence-based treatments and medications for alcohol use disorder.

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Cannabis: A review of potential harms and strategies for minimization

Tuesday, 3/4/25, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM ET

Virtual event via Zoom

Credits available

This training explores variability in cannabis product potency, including the roles of CBD and THC in differing formulations. We will discuss current research associating cannabis with health outcomes and potential use risks. Further, participants will have opportunities to evaluate strategies for mitigating potential cannabis use-related harms.

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Novel Opioid Overdose Prevention Strategies

Thursday, 3/13/25, 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM ET

Virtual event via Zoom

Credits available

Counts towards DEA's 8-hour training requirement

This training reviews the basics of overdose education and response, including caring for patients with a history of overdose and the efficacy of bystander overdose education and prevention. We will focus on novel overdose prevention strategies, including test strips, sedation monitoring centers, safe consumption sites, and safe supply. Further, this training identifies naloxone (Narcan's) mechanism of action.

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